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Anker Uniseminare 1

Our university seminars will take place exclusively online via video conference in the summer semester 2021! After registration you will receive the link by email.

University seminars

Dear Sirs and Madames,
Dear Colleagues,

In the upcoming summer semester 2021, the seminar Anthropological and Ethical Basics of Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy will again take place as an online seminar. On the part of the organizers, like you, we regret that the personal contact, the varied dialogue in the plenary, a trademark of our events, cannot quite come into its own. Nevertheless, we would like to warmly encourage you to stay in contact with each other and in dialogic momentum via the web seminar. The lecture program takes up the pandemic debate again and focuses on literary and artistic paradigms in contributions by speakers from our group. It is to be hoped that together we will also come to a broader understanding of the current situation in this way. Scientific and artistic approaches are essential when finding creative solutions in the political arena. Please make a note of the three dates now and be happy to register soon. Personal registration by e-mail is required so that the link can be sent to you by e-mail as soon as possible. Please note that the third event is planned as a final symposium and with a view to a more detailed plenary discussion until 9 p.m. We look forward to your coming, your participation and the meeting after the longer break. Please be so kind as to register for each individual event (by email). You will then receive the confirmation immediately.

With best regards

The organizers

Prof. Dr. HA Kick, Prof. Dr. A. Kraus, Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Schmitt, Dr. H. Scheurer, Dr. Dr. W. of Lucadou

Prof. Dr. med. Hermes A. Kick
Institute for Medical Ethics,
Basics and methods of psychotherapy
and health culture (IEPG)

Lameystr. 36
68165 Mannheim

Tel. 0621-32886360
Fax 0621-32886366

Heidelberg University SS 2021

University Psychiatric Clinic

Interdisciplinary colloquium and seminar

Anthropological and ethical foundations of medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy

- for students and postgraduates -
Medicine, psychotherapy, psychology, sociology, philosophy, theology, pedagogy

Semester topic :

Medical ethics in the pandemic reflected in literature, art, philosophy

Organizer :

Prof. Dr. HA kick
Prof. Dr. A. Kraus
Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Schmitt
Dr. phil. H. Scheurer
Dr. Dr. W. v. Lucadou


Location : Online events with the Heidelberg University's HeiConf program


Time : Fridays, 6.15 p.m. - 8 p.m. (on July 9th, 2021 until 9 p.m.)


06/11/2021 Corruption and Corruption in the Pandemic

Dr. med. Oliver Schulz, Erbach
Corona crisis: Medical ethical questions and problems of ideology-based, political

psychological processes

Prof. Dr. phil. Heidrun Gerzymisch, Heidelberg
Albert Camus, the plague: Universal communication in the borderline situation

06/25/2021 Dilemmas and despair in the pandemic

Dr. phil. Elke Lang-Becker, Heidelberg
Alessandro Manzoni: The fiancé

Uwe Diehl, Mosbach
Stewart O'Nan: A Prayer for the Dying

July 9th, 2021 Final symposium on the semester topic

6.15pm - 8.00pm E lsa Romfeld, MA in History, Theory and Ethics d. Medicine,

University Medicine Mannheim
The ethical question of existence: bridge or jump?

8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Martin Weyers, Ludwigshafen
Visual arts and transcendence as reflected in the pandemic:

Using our own works as an example

For any questions:
Secretariat Prof. Dr. Kick, IEPG
68165 Mannheim
Lameystr. 36

Tel: 0621/32 88 63 60
Fax: 0621/32 88 63 66



Prof. Dr. med. H. A. Kick, Universität Heidelberg, IEPG Mannheim

System und Person im Integrationsfeld der therapeutischen Situation. Exkurs zu Order and Decay


Prof. Dr. med. Michael Schlander, Universität Heidelberg, DKFZ

Medizin und Gesundheitsökonomie. Kein Preis zu hoch für die Gesundheit?


Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. Walter von Lucadou, IGPP, Freiburg

System und Person: Wo greift die Verschränkung? Erkenntnismäßige und therapeutische Konsequenzen


Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. theol. Paul Imhof, ASP, Hildesheim

Person, System und Transzendenz: Familienstellen als System- und Ideologiekritik

Zusammenfassung, Abschlussdiskussion und Moderation

Prof. Dr. Hermes A. Kick, IEPG Mannheim

​​​Bei Rückfragen:
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Kick, IEPG
68165 Mannheim 
Lameystr. 36

Tel: 0621 / 32 88 63 60
Fax: 0621 / 32 88 63 66


Die Veranstaltungen sind mit jeweils 2 Punkten, bzw. 3 Punkten für den 17.01.2025, von der Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg zertifiziert.


Institute for Medical Ethics, Psychotherapy and Health Culture

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