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Thank you for your interest in the 15th Mannheim Ethics Symposium. See you at one of our upcoming events!

15th Mannheim Ethics Symposium


15th Mannheim Ethics Symposium

Topic : Borders - delimitation and the expansion of the world

Ethics as orientation and survival strategy in a destabilized world?

Challenge for medicine, natural and human sciences, society and politics

Next Europe - in Search of its Narrative *

Artistic design: Violeta Dinescu

Time : Saturday, September 29, 2018

Venue : University of Mannheim, east wing of the palace, lecture hall SN 163

Conference management : Prof. Dr. HA kick

* Joint action of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg

Organizational and scientific assistance:

Dr. Heinz Scheurer, Dr. Alexander Michalzik, Philipp Henneberg, LL.B.

Scientific organization:

Prof. Dr. med. HA Kick, Prof. Dr. iur. Jochen Taupitz,
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Wolfram Schmitt

Organizer :

IEPG - Institute for Medical Ethics, Basics and Methods of Psychotherapy and Health Culture, Mannheim - Alma Mater Europaea Salzburg (Director: Prof. Dr. med.Hermes A. Kick)

IMGB - Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Health Law and Bioethics of the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim (Director: Prof. Dr. iur. Jochen Taupitz)

EAWK - European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (President: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. hc Felix Unger)

Conference secretariat and information:

Claudia Martin, Elisabeth Weiss

Tel .: 0621-32886360, Fax: 0621-32886366

IEPG, Lameystr. 36, 68165 Mannheim


9.30 am opening

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. hc Felix Unger


Prof. Dr. med. Hermes A. Kick

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Lothar Kuhlen

Location in the faculties

10.00 Prof. Dr. theol. Manfred Oeming, Heidelberg

Frontier - delimitation in ancient Israel. Ethical impulses from the Old Testament

10.30 Prof. Dr. med. Axel W. Bauer, Mannheim

Normative delimitation processes at the beginning and at the end of human life

11.00 p.m.

11.30 Prof. Dr. iur. Bernhard Kretschmer, Giessen

Boundaries and delimitation in the relationship between man and machine: legal perspectives and

Problems of robotics

1 2.00 Prof. Dr. phil. Jochen Hörisch, Mannheim

Odysseus bound and the flying Dutchman without borders - paradoxes of delimitation

12.30 p.m. lunch break

Transgression in the sciences and arts

2.30 p.m. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ernst Peter Fischer, Heidelberg

What are the limits of science? Limits, crossing boundaries and creativity in

the research

3 p.m. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. Walter von Lucadou, Freiburg

Delimitation of the value systems - the limits of liability from the point of view of the generalized

Quantum theory (VQT)

3.30 p.m.

16.00 Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Wolfram Schmitt, Saarbrücken

Between limitation and dissolution. Anthropological aspects of the micro-

and macrocosm theory from a historical and current perspective

16.30 Prof. Dr. phil. Birgit Harreß, Leipzig

Unlimited trust in a harmonious whole: Schiller's inaugural lecture in the mirror

of globalization

17.00 plenary discussion with the speakers

Positioning and exceeding

17.30 Special guest: Prof. Dr. hc mult. Peter Weibel, Chairman of the ZKM, Center for Art and

Media, Karlsruhe

17.45 Prof. Violeta Dinescu, Oldenburg. Ensemble instrumental: Exodus

Around 6 p.m. E nder of the event and the finale

The conference fee is € 30 per participant. Registration requested by September 15, 2018. Registration afterwards possible, depending on capacity, even on the day of the conference itself. Registration by post, fax or email. Transfer of the conference fees in favor of the IEPG: IBAN: DE08 6705 0505 0033 3964 73; BIC: MANSDE66XXX) - Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord. The registration will not be confirmed. The admission labels will be handed out at the conference table.

Borders - delimitation and the expansion of the world

For the organizers: Prof. Dr. Hermes A. Kick

Ethics is the science that should show where limits are, how they are to be justified and where such are to be set. It provides orientation knowledge for recognizing, respecting and implementing values that serve life. Paul Tillich wrote the phrase: “The limit is the actual place of experience.” This means something very elementary, namely that everything does not end with the limit, but something new can happen. Anyone who does not perceive and respect the limit will miss the necessary experience in dealing with it and the awareness of the task given with it towards the new. This applies at the level of the struggle for terms and definitions, this applies to questions of the scope of models in the natural sciences, and this applies to the political debate about universalistic or particularistic priorities. Neither denial nor violent transgression of boundaries leads to one another: The humane challenge is not dissolving boundaries, but clarifying and bridging boundaries in dialogue. This dialogue must take place in freedom, it must not come under the guise of violence. This is only possible, according to Romano Guardini, if both interlocutors assume: There is something above us, the truth. If this is not possible, then there is only the disclosure of the differences, yes, the fight (K. Jaspers). The topic of life-serving assessment and overcoming of boundaries as a starting point for scientific, artistic and political creation will be taken up in the context of the symposium by the classic faculty disciplines of the university. These positions are intended to stimulate transfer in the interdisciplinary discourse and thus contribute to innovative syntheses. This applies equally to the natural sciences, humanities and the arts in the area of tension between localization and transgression. If we succeed in promoting this necessary discourse about borders within the framework of the symposium, it will become an expression of situational ethics and at the same time an expansion of the world, in short a part of a survival strategy in a destabilized and changing world.


Institute for Medical Ethics, Psychotherapy and Health Culture

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